Monday, August 3, 2009

Get Together Beach Party

get together

Feel happinies with other people. Temo, Watashi always wanted to be with you. You were everything for me. Comenosai if I drunk last party. I can't help about it. It started about the disco night that I've never there. And the time comes that I've been waiting... The dancing light... Your serious face... By the way, who's the girl you are with? Is she your new girlfriend? I get jealous. Dancing with her in front of me makes me sick! I hate that night. Hope you grab my hand and runaway with me. I always happy if you're there. You are the one who makes me smile. I love you.

I hear your voice. Why do I always laugh? Why I runaway from you? Why do I always want you?

I hate you being with other girl. Yeah, we're just friend. But, you'll get hurt. I hate your girlfriend. She's a liar. Having another guy. A cheater!!! I like to crash her.